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Cured Rainbow Trout and Salmon
Dry-marinated fillet with a mild taste of herbs and spices.
NOK from 595 per kilo
Sugar, salt, dill and lemon pepper
Smoked Rainbow Trout
A leaner smoked fish with a unique taste and beautiful color.
NOK 595 per kilo
Sugar and salt
Smoked Salmon
A full and pleasing taste from smoking with real juniper.
NOK from 595 per kilo
Sugar and salt
Smoked Wild Salmon
The Wild salmon is a firm and fine seasonal fish with a lovely wild flavor.
NOK from 995 per kilo
Marinated salmon with chili or cognac
Delishious marinated salmon, choose between cognac marinated or chili marinated.
NOK 595 per kilo
Sugar and salt
Chilli, lemon pepper, sugar and salt
Cognac, sugar and salt
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